About Stéphane Lapointe

Stéphane Lapointe - Engineer and used bike expert - StephaneLapointe.com

Bicycle and vintage car restorer for over 20 years, Stéphane Lapointe is a renowned bike expert and a leader in the restoration of used and collector bicycles. He owns a collection of bicycles, among which many folding bikes. He is regularly interviewed and cited by media's including VéloMag, Radio-Canada, L'actualité among others. Visit the website dedicated to the bike collection (in French)

Stéphane Lapointe - Engineer and used bike expert - StephaneLapointe.com

Le guide complet des pistes cyclables au Québec - PistesCyclables.ca

Bike touring since 1982, Stéphane Lapointe is the author of the web site PistesCyclables.ca a complete Guide to Quebec's Bike Paths. Visit the website (French only) to see maps, pictures and rating of almost every bike path in the province of Quebec, including the Route Verte network. It's the right place to go if you need a map of Montreal's bike paths network for example. With over 500,000 visitors per year, PistesCyclables.ca was described as the "bible of cyclists in Quebec" by many media like Radio Canada and L'actualité. Many publications ask permission to reproduce text and pictures among the 5,000+ pictures found on the website.

Stéphane Lapointe author of PistesCyclables.ca Stéphane Lapointe - Author of PistesCyclables.ca
Stéphane Lapointe is the author of the website PistesCyclables.ca a complete Guide to Quebec's Bike Paths. It's the right place to find a map of Montreal's bike paths network for example.

Aerospace engineer and a graduate of École Polytechnique de Montréal, he earned a Masters degree in Robotics. He was awarded for his excellent academic performance and his involvement in campus student activities. After graduation he worked on many innovative projects for customers like Boeing, Airbus, Bombardier, the US Air Force and Hydro-Québec. His passions and skills include:

Other skills:

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